Knowledge Base

Shipment Tracking Unified API

At what time does the daily limit of the quota resets?
The daily rate limit will reset at 24:00 hours of the current day, following the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Then, at 00:00 the next day, the quota count wil...
Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 at 9:15 AM
Is there a DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API Testing Environment?
The DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API testing environment is unavailable for external customers. However, you are free to do testing in the production env...
Tue, 22 Aug, 2023 at 9:33 AM
When tracking a DHL shipment ID, I receive a body response from a different shipment ID
When using the Shipment Tracking - Unified API and not filling in the "service" parameter, you could call to track a shipment ID and receive the h...
Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 at 9:20 AM
I receive a 401 Unauthorized code when calling the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API
If you are receiving an "Unauthorized" error code when calling the Shipment Tracking - Unified API via an API platform like Postman, then there co...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 12:19 PM
How often are DHL tracking numbers purged or deleted from the system?
DHL tracking IDs or shipment IDs are deleted at different times depending on the service and the business unit. In general, most are purged after 90 days on...
Thu, 7 Mar, 2024 at 2:40 PM
How long does it take for a new shipment to appear in the tracking system?
Newly created shipments can take between 10 to 30 minutes to go into the system and appear in the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API. The lag duration vari...
Tue, 22 Aug, 2023 at 11:12 AM
Can the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API track piece IDs from shipments?
Yes, the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API will first lookup in its sources for a shipment ID with the provided string; if not found, it will then proceed...
Wed, 23 Aug, 2023 at 8:19 AM
I'm running out of calls; how much quota should I request for an upgrade?
If you do direct business with DHL (you are a Vendor, a Third-Party Logistics company (3PL), or a Marketplace). Follow the next computation: Take your ave...
Thu, 12 Oct, 2023 at 1:46 PM
I'm a third-party vendor (3PV) or service integrator. Can I request a quota upgrade to have more calls?
Our Unified Shipment Tracking API is intended for the use of our direct customers. Given that your organization doesn't have direct business with DHL an...
Wed, 7 Feb, 2024 at 12:21 PM
Is the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API free of charge?
Yes. Currently, the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API is free of charge. Once the users get the testing quota (250 calls per day), they can request an upg...
Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 at 9:17 AM